knowledge by description See KNOWLEDGE BY. ACQUAINTANC.
knowledge de dicto See KNOWLEDGE DE RE.
knowledge de re knowledge, with respect to some object, that it has a...
knowledge de se See KNOWLEDGE DE RE.
Köhler Wolfgang (1887–1967), German and American (after 1935) psychologist who, with...
Ko Hung (fourth century A.D.), Chinese Taoist philosopher, also known as the...
Korean philosophy philosophy in traditional Korea. Situated on the eastern periphery of...
Kotarbigski Tadeusz (1886–1981), Polish philosopher, cofounder, with Lukasiewicz and Lesniewski, of...
ko wu chih chih, Chinese philosophical terms used in the Ta-hsüeh (Great...
Krause Karl Christian Friedrich (1781–1832), German philosopher representative of a tendency...
Kripke Saul A(aron) (b.1940), American mathematician and philosopher, considered one of...
Kripke semantics a type of formal semantics for languages with operators A...
Kristeva Julia (b.1941), Bulgarian-born French linguist, practicing psychoanalyst, widely influential social...
Kropotkin Petr Alekseevich (1842–1921), Russian geographer, geologist, naturalist, and philosopher, best...
Kuan Tzu also called Kuan Chung (d.645 B.C.), Chinese statesman who was...
Kuhn Thomas S(amuel) (1922–96), American historian and philosopher of science. Kuhn...
k’un See CH'IEN, K'UN.
kung szu, a Chinese distinction corresponding to the opposition between 'public'...
K’ung Ch’iu See CONFUCIUS.
Kung Fu-tzu See CONFUCIUS.
Kung-sun Lung Tzu (fl. 300 B.C.), Chinese philosopher best known for his dialogue...
K’ung Tzu See CONFUCIUS.
Kuo Hsiang (died A.D. 312), Chinese thinker of the Hsüan Hsüeh (Mysterious...
Kyo-hak Buddhism See KOREAN PHILOSOPHY.
Kyoto School See JAPANESE PHILOSOPHY. Labriola, Antonio (1843–1904), Italian Marxist philosopher who...