certainty the property of being certain, which is either a psychological...
central state materialism See PHILOSOPHY OF MIND.
ATON . Celsus (late second century A.D.?), anti-Christian writer known only as...
cellular automaton See SELF-REPRODUCING AUTOM-.
Charron Pierre (1541–1603), French Catholic theologian who became the principal expositor...
ch’eng Chinese term meaning 'sincerity'. It means much more than just...
cheng ming also called Rectification of Names, a Confucian program of language...
Cheng-shih hsüan-hsüeh See NEO-TAOISM.
charity, principle of See MEANING.
characteristica universalis See COMPUTER THE -. ORY, LEIBNI.
character, semantic See INDEXICAL.
character the comprehensive set of ethical and intellectual dispositions of a...
chaotic system See PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE.
Chang Tsai (1020–1077), Chinese philosopher, a major Neo-Confucian figure whose Hsi-ming ('Western...
chih2 Chinese term often translated as 'will'. It refers to general...
chih-hsing ho-i Chinese term for the Confucian doctrine, propounded by Wang Yang-ming,...
Chillington, Richard See KILVINGTON.
Chinese Legalism the collective views of the Chinese 'school of laws' theorists,...
Chinese philosophy philosophy produced in China from the sixth century B.C. to...
chih1 Chinese term roughly corresponding to 'knowledge'. A concise explanation is...
Ch’ien Mu (1895–1990), Chinese historian, a leading contemporary New Confucian scholar and...
Ch’ien-fu Lun Chinese title of Comments of a Recluse (second century A.D.),...
chien ai See MOHISM.
ch’ien k'un, in traditional Chinese cosmology, the names of the two...
Chia Yi (200–168 B.C.), Chinese scholar who attempted to synthesize Legalist, Confucian,...
Chiao Hung (1540?–1620), Chinese historian and philosopher affiliated with the T'ai-chou school,...
ch’i Chinese term for ether, air, corporeal vital energy, and the...
ching Chinese term meaning 'reverence', 'seriousness', 'attentiveness', 'composure'. In early texts,...
ch’ing Chinese term meaning (1) 'essence', 'essential'; (2) 'emotion', 'passions'. Originally,...