resultance a relation according to which one property (the resultant property, sometimes called the consequential property) is possessed by some object or event in virtue of (and hence as a result of) that object or event possessing some other property or set of properties. The idea is that properties of things can be ordered into connected levels, some being more basic than and giving rise to others, the latter resulting from the former. For instance, a figure possesses the property of being a triangle in virtue of its possessing a collection of properties, including being a plane figure, having three sides, and so on; the former resulting from the latter. An object is brittle (has the property of being brittle) in virtue of having a certain molecular structure. It is often claimed that moral properties like rightness and goodness are resultant properties: an action is right in virtue of its possessing other properties. These examples make it clear that the nature of the necessary connection holding between a resultant property and those base properties that ground it may differ from case to case. In the geometrical example, the very concept of being a triangle grounds the resultance relation in question, and while brittleness is nomologically related to the base properties from which it results, in the moral case, the resultance relation is arguably neither conceptual nor causal. See also CONSTITUTION , NATURALISM , SUPERVENIENC. M.C.T.