
homoiousian See HOMOOUSIOS.


homomorphism in model theory, a structurepreserving mapping from one structure to...

homonymy See AMBIGUITY.

homoousian See HOMOOUSIOS.

homoousios (Greek, 'of the same substance'), a concept central to the...

homuncular functionalism See FUNCTIONALISM.

homunculus (from Latin, 'little man'), a miniature adult held to inhabit...

hormic psychology See MCDOUGALL.

Ho Yen (d.A.D. 249), Chinese philosopher, an early leader of the Neo-Taoist...

hsiao Chinese team meaning 'filial piety'. Hsiao refers both to a...

hsien in Chinese philosophy, divine 'immortals' or 'transcendents' – spiritual beings...

Hsi K’ang (A.D.223–62), Chinese philosopher, a key representative of Neo-Taoism. Hsi K'ang's...

hsin1 Chinese term meaning 'heart', 'mind', 'feeling'. Generally, the hsin is...

hsin2 Chinese term meaning 'trust', 'faith', 'trustworthiness', 'honest'. In early texts,...

hsing Chinese philosophical term generally agreed to be derived from 'sheng'...

hsing-erh-shang in Chinese philosophy, formless or metaphysical. In part one of...

hsing-ming in Chinese philosophy, 'forms and names,' an important philosophical concept...

Hsiung Shih-li (1885–1968), Chinese contemporary New Confucian philosopher. He was a revolutionary...

hsü Chinese term meaning 'void', 'vacuity', 'the tenuous'. Hsü is not...

Hsü Fu-kuan (1903–82), Chinese intellectual and historian who served directly under Chiang...

Hsü Hsing (c.315 B.C.), Chinese philosopher, a member of the Tillers or...

Hsün Tzu (third century B.C.), a tough-minded Confucian philosopher best known for...

Huai Nan Tzu an ancient Chinese syncretic compendium of knowledge. It was compiled...

Huang–Lao (Chinese, 'School of the Yellow Emperor and Lao Tzu'), an...

Huang Tsung-hsi (1610–95), Chinese philosopher and historian. A student of Liu Tsung-chou...

Hu Hung also called Wu-feng (1100–55), Chinese Neo-Confucian philosopher and an important...

Hui Shih (c.380–305 B.C.), Chinese philosopher, prime minister of the state of...

humanism a set of presuppositions that assigns to human beings a...

humanism, civic See CLASSICAL REPUBLICANISM. human nature, a quality or group of...