human rights See RIGHTS.
human sciences See WEBER.
Humboldt Wilhelm von (1767–1835), German statesman, scholar, and educator, often regarded...
Hume David (1711–76), Scottish philosopher and historian who may be aptly...
humors See GALEN.
Hu Shih (1891–1962), Chinese philosopher and historian and a famous liberal intellectual...
Husserl Edmund (1859–1938), German philosopher and founder of phenomenology. Born in...
Hutcheson Francis (1694–1746), Scottish philosopher who was the chief exponent of...
Huygens Christiaan (1629–95), Dutch physicist and astronomer who ranked among the...
hyle ancient Greek term for matter. Aristotle brought the word into...
hylomorphism the doctrine, first taught by Aristotle, that concrete substance consists...
hylozoism (from Greek hyle, 'matter', and zoe, 'life'), the doctrine that...
Hypatia (c.370–415), Greek Neoplatonist philosopher who lived and taught in Alexandria....
hypostasis (from Latin, 'substance'), the process of regarding a concept or...
hypostatize See HYPOSTASIS.
hypothetical consent See CONTRACTARIANISM.
hypothetical construct See OPERATIONALISM.
hypothetical imperative See KANT.
hypothetical syllogism See SYLLOGISM.
hypothetico-deductive method a method of testing hypotheses. Thought to be preferable to...