Ch’ien-fu Lun Chinese title of Comments of a Recluse (second century A.D.),...
Ch’ien Mu (1895–1990), Chinese historian, a leading contemporary New Confucian scholar and...
chih1 Chinese term roughly corresponding to 'knowledge'. A concise explanation is...
chih2 Chinese term often translated as 'will'. It refers to general...
chih-hsing ho-i Chinese term for the Confucian doctrine, propounded by Wang Yang-ming,...
Chillington, Richard See KILVINGTON.
Chinese Legalism the collective views of the Chinese 'school of laws' theorists,...
Chinese philosophy philosophy produced in China from the sixth century B.C. to...
Chinese room argument See SEARLE.
ching Chinese term meaning 'reverence', 'seriousness', 'attentiveness', 'composure'. In early texts,...
ch’ing Chinese term meaning (1) 'essence', 'essential'; (2) 'emotion', 'passions'. Originally,...
Chisholm Roderick Milton (1916–99), influential American philosopher whose publications spanned the...
choice, axiom of See LÖWENHEIM - SKOLEM THEO -. REM , SET THEORY....
Chomsky Noam (b.1928), preeminent American linguist, philosopher, and political activist who...
Chomsky hierarchy of languages See PHILOSOPHY. OF LANGUAG.
chora See KRISTEVA.
Chou Tun-yi (1017–73), Chinese Neo-Confucian philosopher. His most important work, the T'aichi...
Chrysippus See STOICISM.
Chrysorrhoas See JOHN OF DAMASCUS.
ch’üan Chinese term for a key Confucian concept that may be...
Chuang Tzu also called Chuang Chou (4th century B.C.), Chinese Taoist philosopher....
Chu Hsi (1130–1200), Neo-Confucian scholar of the Sung dynasty (960–1279), commonly regarded...
chung shu, Chinese philosophical terms important in Confucianism, meaning 'loyalty' or...
Chung-yung a portion of the Chinese Confucian classic Book of Rites....
chün-tzu Chinese term meaning 'gentleman', 'superior man', 'noble person', or 'exemplary...
Church Alonzo (1903–95), American logician, mathematician, and philosopher, known in pure...
church fathers See PATRISTIC AUTHORS.
Churchland Patricia Smith (b.1943), Canadianborn American philosopher and advocate of neurophilosophy....
Church’s theorem See CHURCH'S THESIS.