
tao-t’ung Chinese term meaning ‘the orthodox line of transmission of the Way’. According to Chu Hsi (1130–1200), the first to use this term, the line of transmission can be traced back to ancient sage-emperors, Confucius and Mencius. The line was broken since Mencius and was only revived by the Ch’eng brothers in the Sung dynasty. The interesting feature is that the line has excluded important Confucian scholars such as Hsün Tzu (fl. 298–238 B.C.) and Tung Chungshu (c.179–c.104 B.C.). The idea of tao-t’ung can be traced back to Han Yü (768–824) and Mencius. See also CHU HSI, CONFUCIANISM , CON- FUCIUS , HAN YÜ , HSÜN TZU , MENCIUS , NEO – CONFUCIANISM , TUNG CHUNG -SH. S.-h.L.

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