
yu wu, Chinese terms literally meaning ‘having’ and ‘nothing’, respectively; they are often rendered into English as ‘being’ and ‘non-being’. But the Chinese never developed the mutually contradictory concepts of Being and Non-Being in Parmenides’ sense. In chapter 2 of Tao Te Ching, Lao Tzu says that ‘being (yu) and non-being (wu) produce each other.’ They appear to be a pair of interdependent concepts. But in chapter 40 Lao Tzu also says that ‘being comes from non-being.’ It seems that for Taoism non-being is more fundamental than being, while for Confucianism the opposite is true. The two traditions were seen to be complementary by later scholars. See also CHINESE PHILOSOPHY , CONFUCIANISM , LAO TZU , PARMENIDES , TAOIS. S.-h.L.

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